Horseshoe Scree

Horseshoe Scree

One local tale tells that this is where the monster tried to escape, but it was too steep and she slipped back into the depths.

A scree is caused by hundreds of years of seasonal weather. Water makes its way into crevices in the rock face. When it freezes the water expands and shatters the rock causing it to cascade down the hillside. You find many of these features in the Highlands. They can be very dangerous as the rocks can be easily disturbed and crash down upon anyone beneath.

In 1985, monster hunter Steve Blackwell put a large cage in the water here and baited it with a net of salmon.

The event was overseen by the Loch Ness Project for safety. The cage was successful in landing a Vodka company to sponsor the event, but the only monsters it captured were journalists looking for a silly-season story!