Gorrie's Cave

Gorrie’s Cave

Gorrie’s real name was Alexander MacDonald, a notorious cattle thief. He used the cave as a hideout.

As a survivor of the battle of Culloden, he was determined to assassinate the Redcoat commander, the Duke of Cumberland, in revenge for the beating taken by his fellow clansmen during the battle.

Lying in wait on the hillside, he saw his chance when the Duke and his troops happened by. Gorrie’s blunderbuss was full of shot and nails. He remained hidden while he waited for the Duke to come into range.

Unfortunately for Gorrie, the shot was a bad one and missed. He immediately turned to flee back to his cave and was pursued by the Redcoat soldiers who lost sight of him in the heather.

With food and supplies being brought by his wife and other village folk, he managed to remain hidden in the cave for several months. Eventually the Redcoats gave up the search and the tale does not tell what finally became of this fugitive from Cumberland’s rough justice.